Thursday 7 May 2009

New chickens arrive

Thanks to Tim Lewis, we now have 26 new hens 'at point of lay' - which usually means we'll have to wait 2 or 3 weeks for them to get going.

They arrived in the dark last Monday evening and were very drowsy (and so easy to handle) and put into the hen houses.

They are getting used to the outdoors and scratching around for grubs etc. But they find it hard remembering to go back into the hen house at night - last night we found 4 of them up in the leylandii to roost - at least out of the way of the fox.

We lost 7 lovely hens to the fox last week - he got in and killed them all. Didn't even bother eating much!

So hopefully in the next few weeks we'll be having a good regular supply of free range eggs again.

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